Top Tips for Creating in Small Spaces


So, here’s proof that you don’t need a lot of space to create, because this is my sunroom painting studio.

And I love it so, so much.  I've spent a lot of time collecting creative tools that make me feel deliciously and delightfully immersed in my studio space and practice, so I have plenty of pieces to share. Isn't is so real how our environment can really effect how we show up in the world?  Well, I am incredibly sensitive to the beauty in this corner of my home, and everything that I create in it-- let me show you a little behind the scenes!

Hopefully, you'll find some tricks that have worked well for me when creating big dreams in small spaces.  




This painting studio is right off of my living room, so there's definitely some beautiful, homey energy you have to move through to get to the studio.  I've learned to enjoy that there's no doors enclosing it-- its contents bleed in and out of different parts of my life in a really gentle way.  Three of the four walls are all windows so the light… the light just comes in so warmly and honestly throughout the day. 

Right now this room is getting so much fuller with landscapes because I'm getting a fresh collection ready!

 Here’s a peek (above) of what I have so far, almost twenty pieces.  I’m definitely sinking into a specific color palette, so if you enjoy whites, yellows, pinks, lavenders, grays, peaches, you're going to be in luck! This is definitely my most vibrant collection ever, ever, ever, ever.  Usually I stick to like more greens and earthy grounded colors, but this collection for me is unhinged on what my palette can be.  So excited for you to experience them, and if you’re in The Collector's Club, you'll be first to know when they're shared! 

This practical table set up is where I've worked on most of them all…


I mainly work at this drafting table, and it's definitely multi-purpose for me-- from painting to live workshops, to mini flatly photoshoots. I do have an easel here in this space (which is mostly acting as storage space right now.) But the main reason I prefer to paint flat on a table top because 

I love how the paint pools and settles as I create without it dripping down. And when the light from this window hits it, oooo baby!






On this table, I also keep a few of my very favorite treasures for creative play. 

Many of the are pieces on my art table are antique jars or ceramics, second-hand glass, dried florals (always, always dried florals). And many of these pieces are also so practical: like this ceramic palette by Krista Coons with the brush resting on it, and another staple is my dry glass palette or the pastel organizer by Sugar House Ceramics. 

However, when I work in oil, I use a very large glass palette.  I love how large and sturdy it is, and it also acts as an easy tray for my paint tubes and glasses of brushes.

lamp for great lighting



I have all of my paints stored in this basket. They actually are in color order, you just can't see because I've been messing them up lately working on the collection.  lol 

And I always have baby wipes on hand to clean up smudges.


If you scan the windowsill, there's a good chance you'll find one of the cards from my affirmation card deck – reminders to do it for the process.



Have any other tips for other creatives looking to expand what it can mean to create in small spaces? Send me an email, I'd love to hear them!

Thank you for visiting my studio! I hope this virtual visit has encouraged you to find more delight in your creative space, wherever it is. 


There's beautiful, abundant energy in here, and I'm sending you all the reminders to open your eyes to the ordinary inspiration all around you.  I'll be sharing more about my new collection coming this summer! I cannot waaaait to share it with you.  xo, emily

More creative inspiration from the shelves of the print studio: 


Emily Jeffords

Painter, teacher, and artist who is very into natural materials + empowering other artists to succeed, too.

The Statement Piece: How Large Prints Can Transform a Room


Inspired Reflections + Creative Recommendations