Emily Jeffords


Step into my painting studio, and immerse yourself in the world I’ve created— light-filled spaces, vibrant colors, gentle transitions, and a moment to rest.

I’m happy to share my art and its joyful energy with you; it’s an honor to do so. But I create for myself. Because, when life feels heavy, it’s that one thing that brings me a particular peace and such generous pleasure.

As a painter and mentor to thousands of other artists, I know that ART is an important way we care for ourselves and each other…

Natural Oil Painter 

My studio spans from my private painting space, to the print studio, based in a historic 1890's light-filled converted mill house called the White Whale Studios. While pregnant, I became aware of the many toxic elements found in most art studios, which led to a fully re-imagined creative practice, rooted in natural elements, handmade products, and non-toxic methods. 

Creative Educator to artist

With years of experience in selling thousands of original paintings and prints, and growing a whole brand around my art, I've learned some tried and true methods that will ensure creatives’ artwork gets the attention it deserves from the right buyers. Through courses, workshops, and memberships, I get to nurture the greater creative community, empowering others to expand their studio practices and businesses. Making art Work continues to change lives and The Collective is creating the most positive ripple effect through the art world. It is a humble honor to get to do this work each day.

empowering Podcast Host 

The Do It For The Process Podcast empowers artists and creatives to live creatively and thrive while doing so! Through storytelling, education, real experience, and an intimate peek behind the scenes of an artist’s years of musing and lessons of the creative path— a reminder that your creative dreams are in you for a reason. It’s time to make a living doing what you love.

Writer + Poet

Many of my original work comes from my writing and reflections of life, parenthood, growth, play, pleasure, and the evolution of the creative practice. For what I cannot put into words, I put into the canvas. And I’m currently working on two books, so stay in the know!

Retreat Leader 

Hosted at the most beautiful locations around the world, deep in nature, each Creating With Nature Retreat is thoughtfully designed to help you escape daily life and immerse yourself in simplicity and beauty. We believe everyone, regardless of artistic background, deeply benefits from connecting with the natural world and learning to use the earth’s bounty for self-expression and creativity.

Inspired Traveler

A passion for the natural world and creativity and play is infused in my bodies of work, and much of that inspiration was pulled through drinking in the beauty through traveling. I feel like I’m constantly planning the next adventure. Alaska, France, Arizona, Italy, California, Tulum... these adventures, and my excitement to share the joy of creativity and nature, inspired many of my landscapes you see!